Thursday, August 4, 2011

Breaking it down for the last time.... for now.

Hey all,

Just wanted to extend the warmest of shout-outs to all of you for your continued support - and for everyone's willingness to challenge each other academically, socially and professionally. It's what makes this cohort so great.

I consider the mark of a great class to be its ability to inspire further research among its students/community members, and I definitely think that was accomplished here in ED 435. I came in with many questions ... and leave with only more. In the end, though, this class wasn't really about finding the answers (if we knew the answers we wouldn't be here). ED 435 was about finding ourselves and our place in society (for better and for worse), looking our personal and national demons right in the face and saying "I see you" just as we "see" our students who enter our classrooms (read: just because they might have "problems" does not mean they are the problem).

In many ways, ED 435 both affirmed and challenged me; to use the lingo of this course, it met me where I was and (started) to take me where I need to be. I look forward to the continued academic journey ED 435 inspires me to pursue, but perhaps more importantly, I greatly anticipate continuing my journey of "learning to learn" away from books --- and closer to people. It's something I've come to realize I need to work on ... and I'm grateful for having the chance to realize it. Again, I must simply say: thank you.

Peace, cheers, and everything else that is lovely about the world,


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