Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last Class Reflection 8.2.11

Thank you Professor Grandson for such an awesome semester. This summer course went by way too quickly and we obviously did not get to have all the discussions that I’m sure we all hoped we could, but I still learned so much from you and the rest of the cohort. Some of the concepts that we covered through the readings were completely new to me and definitely served to open my eyes to different realities. These concepts will stick with me forever and I thank you for giving me that.
Thank you also, Melissa, for suggesting the final projects idea. I’m so glad that I got to share a little bit more about myself with my group and learn about them as well. It takes a certain about of courage to let people in, and I feel so lucky to be part of this cohort of accepting individuals. As I continue through my Donovan experience, I hope that I always remember the topics that we covered throughout this course that will undoubtedly give me the strength and direction that I will need as a teacher in the future.
Thank you also to Chuks for sharing your song! It was amazing. Just like Chuks, I am positive that all of us possess unique talents that we bring with us in everything that we do. Throughout this year, I encourage everyone to nurture those talents and reflect on how you can use them in your classrooms. Not only will they serve as potential inspiration for the students we teach, but sharing these talents with each other will allow us to learn and be able to use one another as resources in the future. Bye for now-and thanks again Professor Grandson!

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