Thursday, July 28, 2011

7/28 Discussion questions (Briana)

1. Freire states the "problem-posing education sets itself the task of demythologizing" (83). What is demythologizing and how do we do it?

2. In dialogue about oppression, there is the possibility of creating feelings of hopelessness and internalization. Freire states, "Only be starting from this situation--which determines their perception of it-- can they begin to move. To do this authentically they must perceive their state not as fated and unalterable, but merely as limiting-- and therefore challenging" (85). What are strategies to show students oppression as "limiting" and not permanente, and to thus ignite hope and action? Does Freire provide any of these strategies?

3. How does the word "love" manifest in the classroom? What does "love" in the classroom look like?

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