Monday, July 25, 2011

Robyn's Discussion Questions 7/26

1. (Lareau) P. 81 – “parents in both communities valued educational success; all wanted their children to do well in school, and all saw themselves as supporting and helping their children achieve success in school” – In your classroom, do you think you will encounter parents who don’t value education? How do you deal with it? How much of our own views on education can we attempt to impart without overstepping our bounds?

2. (Lareau) P. 80 – quote from a Prescott parent – “we [teacher and parents] are equals…. They are not working for me, but they also aren’t doing something I couldn’t do” - Lareau notes that the Prescott parents interacted differently with teachers than did Colton parents. Is there a way that we can create a sense of “equality” that this Preston parents spoke about with parents similar to the Colton parents? What was your first reaction to this quote?

3. Delpit writes about power issues in the classroom. What do you consider to be an “appropriate” power relationship/balance of power? How do you enact it in your classroom?

4. (Delpit) P. 45 “appropriate education for poor children and children of color can only be devised in consultation who share their culture” – how does this belief relate to Lareau’s article?

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