Thursday, July 21, 2011

Maria Valarezo's Class Reflection- 7/19

Wow, I am thoroughly and utterly impressed with our speaker on Tuesday. I couldn't get his name because I came to class tardy.

He was truthful, inspiring, and simply remarkable. I was left speechless when he revealed the statistics about Latinos and African Americans consisting of 95% of America's prisons. Additionally, I also think that he is amazing for having had experience as a teacher and an administrator. With that being said, I think we need to remember that being an administrator should always be an option for us... We should realize that while we could ADORE being teachers, we are capable of so much more. Clearly, we are critical thinkers and are true advocates for children. I would just like to give you the EVENTUAL challenge of helping the condition of education through another lens (such as that as of a education college professor, education think-tank representative, someone in educational law, superintendent, etc.). Personally, I am like Professor Grandson in that I would like to do EVERYTHING.

I think we have to keep his advice in our minds every day of our teaching, "Know thyself and be relentless."


Maria Valarezo

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