Thursday, July 21, 2011

Class Reflection - Chuks

First and foremost, and I think I can speak on behalf of my peers, I'd like to sincerely thank Professor Grandson for inviting Dr. Narcisse to be our guest lecture on Tuesday. When his talk was over, all I could do was lean back in my seat and say to myself "Wow." I must have slightly fractured the bones in my hands during the round of applause! In all seriousness though, the man broke down nearly EVERY aspect of America's education system to its very core. He also introduced some staggering, horrific statistics to place this country's level of inequality in perspective (i.e. - how Blacks make up 13% of the US population and Hispanics 28%, yet both groups make up 95% of our prisons). To say that Dr. Narcisse's honesty and clarity in speech is admirable would be an understatement. His personal story is also empowering to me as a young black man who unfortunately, has not had many positive black male figures to look up to. The advice he offered us is both valuable in the realm of education and more importantly, in life. Forgive me for going on and on with praises but I don't think I could ever forget this talk, even if I tried to.

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