Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughts from today (dana)

Great job Brie! Your presentation was extremely helpful!!

I loved the conversation I had with Sonja, Chris and Brie today. I walked away with a practical thought - we need to be the social/cultural capital for our students. We need to be the ones to make their lives an exception. It's unfortunate that even education is governed by the economic/social and cultural capitals. As I watched the movie 'People Like Us' I was surprised to see how even food classifies our status. Some of the things we're learning in class makes me question and think about things that I would never normally question/think about and it makes me wonder how I was okay with being ignorant. Is being ignorant bliss? The more discussions I have in class, I'm glad my mind is being bombarded with these real issues.....

And going back to the whole attire question ....

I think schools should implement free uniforms. This will help create a new sense of social/culture capital for students and really equalize (as much as possible) the playing field. Although there are outside factors that still contribute to the student's education, I think having everyone look alike will create a sense of unity and equality. It makes the teachers judge the students the same (hopefully) and even have the peers not judge someone by the type of clothes they wear.

And something that I want to reflect upon on this week's reflection .... is cost of lunch. This can cause a huge economic/social/culture capital too!

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