Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brian's Reading Discussion - 26 July 2011

1. Is it necessary to not only build self-esteem for students but also parents? Does our job as teachers include promoting certain types of behaviors from parents?

2. In the Newkirk article there is a discussion of gender as being culturally constructed. Can we blame or penalize someone for being culturally constructed in a way that allows for failure in certain contexts(for example, writing styles of boys generally being more violent and active)? What can one do as a teacher to address this issue? Is working with certain cultural constructions perpetuating more masculine and feminine roles?

3. In Delpit's book, there are often references of white teachers pushing for teachers to stick closely to the curriculum and agendas, whereas minority teachers pushing for all students to understand the material at the expense of not completing the curriculum. Why is there such a difference in opinion? What does that say about what is generally favored among white and minority persons?

4. How do we as urban teachers compensate for the extra academic advances more affluent students receive outside of school?

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