Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brian's Class Reflection - 28 July 2011

It is interesting because I had created a whole response and decided to rewrite it. So instead I thought it would be better to compile the notes I had written during the viewing of the film. I wrote why did the gay and lesbian persons have to state at the beginning of their classroom talk that they are not here to recruit anyone? Why is our society against homosexuals? Many people's reasoning comes from the Bible and how it does state that if a man lies with another man he should be put to death. The Bible was the one piece of literature that many families had in their homes pre and post the printing press in western cultures. The Bible is a survival guide for a community. It is created to ensure that people are able to work together and thrive and survive! Therefore that was put in because a baby cannot be produced in homosexual intercourse. Without a new generation, the community is dead. There is no youth to take care of the aging infrastructure and people. Hence why other precautions are in the Bible as well as how to treat others so you can coexist in a community. The Bible is a historical piece and needs to be treated as such and open to interpretation. I think back to the film "For the Bible Tells Me So" and how people are involved in schemes to "pray away the gay". They do not see the bible as a timely piece, but instead take it verbatim.

I also started to write about the origins of faggot (derogatory term for old women who would carry sticks and try to sell them) as well me beginning to write the lyrics to Katy Perry's song "I Kissed A Girl". Lyrics include: I kissed a girl and I liked it, I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it". Although a catchy song, I must admit, it is degrading homosexuals in not just the over-sexualization aspect but also that she was just trying it out of fun. Grandson mentioned the increase of experimenting, but yet there is still stigma against the "butch"(perceived as more masculine) lesbians and the feminine guys. Media says it is alright for two fems (feminine girls) to make out, but not two "butch" girls. Katy Perry herself in the music video is surrounded by fems. Or even Lil Wayne in the song "Lollipop" musical introduction saying "No Homo". How about the damn term No Homo. Drives me off the wall. I hope the biggest thing to reflect about in reading Friere is that we cannot group. Everyone is an individual, and as critical thinkers we need to push ourselves to remember that. We need to teach our students that that is a way of life, the way of life. We are all beings and deserve that respect.

I pushed for the No Hetero, which caught on with my friends but I was just furthering the divide. I mean there are slogans for the LGBTQ movement that states "Legalize Gay". It is sad. It is frustrating. It is disappointing. But it does not mean I just sit back and let this happen to me and my community, no I must fight back. We must fight back. As teachers we need to be open to ALL! This means openly having discussions and INCLUDING all.



  1. Brian,

    It's interesting you should bring up the "No homo" discussion, because I almost didn't use the video I ended up choosing to introduce my AT in Rick's class because the male student speaking in it began his rant about why "History Sucks" with that statement. I felt like it was something I had to fast forward through or to sweep under the rug to get to what I really wanted to discuss (the AT itself) ... and I think that's a huge problem. Anyway, thanks for bringing this topic up again.

  2. Hey Ryan,
    That is really interesting. I mean it is a huge issue and I don't think you should have not used that video. To be honest, there is such a huge range of opinions about the whole issue and I feel it is hard to not ignore it. I know people who don't believe it should be used ever and I know people who don't care because all that matters is the way it is used. Personally I don't even know where I fall but being silent about it does nothing. It will be used in the classroom, so I think the best thing to do is just to engage in a discussion both with our peers and our students.
