Wednesday, July 27, 2011

C. Aloe- Friere Chapters 2-3 Discussion Questions

1. Friere describes problem-posing education as when "people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves" (83). In what context(s) have you personally experienced this type of education (outside of this course)? How did such learning (or lack thereof) influence your perception of becoming an educator?

2. What are some positive implications of the "banking system of education" and/or any negative implications of "problem-posing education?"

3. In Chapter 3 Freire illustrates how people can "transform the world." Do you think his model of transformation is unrealistic or realistic? Both? Why?

4. To what extent are public school teachers ethically obligated to promote Freire's key tenets of transformation: love, humility, faith, and hope?

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