Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7.14.11 Reflection

Watching the video during this class session gave a lot of information that I never knew before. Learning about Horace Mann and his mission to find visit one thousand schools on horseback was really interesting. Learning about the conditions of public schools during those times was both hard to take in and at the same time, made me reflect on the conditions in our public schools today. Though all the responsibility for a school’s condition definitely do not lie in the hands of teachers, it was really nice to hear Gloria Ladson-Billings talk about culturally competent educators and the influence they can have on education. She spoke about affirmation, which seems to be coming up in almost every reading as well, and it’s something that I am beginning to think about much more. It is interesting for me to think back on the educators that have been part of my life, and the ones that I remember always seem to be the ones that believed in my potential. The educators who did not, who may not have viewed affirmation as pivotal to teaching, somehow always made me feel the total opposite-like I had no potential. When I become an educator, I hope to never forget the importance of affirming my students.

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