Friday, July 15, 2011

Reflection 07.14.11

Professor Grandson's "here we go again" reminded me of students in my class who would say that every time we exposed issues of race and other topics that werent' "PC." They were not students of color--they were noble Dickinsonians (as our college President says) who could care less about racism and oppression--Just like Zina's Professor who proudly shared all the games he played during the multicultural education workshop, these students just didn't quite get the point either: eyes just rolled because it's not their problem.
The video "Common Schools" was just another reminder of another role we take on as teachers in urban education: advocates. As Roma shared in her reflection "I never felt like my voice was strong enough because there were only a few who were willing to fight with me." But those few are important allies. To me, this cohort is a group of allies/advocates will be to working with students in their communities, exposing the "superficial applications" of multicultural education as Gorski highlights.
Another way I thought that we could use Zina'a activity was to have teachers and students involved in the activity. In a diverse community, this could demonstrate the possibility of common threads students may have with their teachers. Students can see their teachers in a "real" light.

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