Sunday, July 17, 2011

Reflection 7/14 (Jeff)

Zina is the best. She has affirmed her position as secret leader of the Donovans, next to Siobahn (Preston comes in a close 3rd). Zina kept her talents quiet at first, but now her new presence is appreciated.

I love the environment in this class, and I liked the articles this week. It's Sunday and I am not at home with the articles, but from what I remember I enjoyed the piece on the meaning of multiculturalism. What I thought was most interesting to read was about the softening of aspects of the civil rights movements. For example, how Dr. King is sometimes only 'celebrated' because of his non-violence attitudes, as opposed to understanding all his accomplishments and visions. What about Malcolm 'X', how do you think his perception has changed from the reality of his life?
Take it easy,


1 comment:

  1. Jeff!!

    I am cracking up laughing, but THANK YOU! I didn't know that I have secret talents, but now that I know I will try to exercise them more :D

    Also, you need to share your secret talent **Mr. Guidance Counselor** in one of our classes coming up. We only have a few more classes so you better share or I will have to bust you out in love lol!

    See you Monday,

