Monday, July 18, 2011

Silvestri July 19 Facilitation Questions


1. Page 31: Should prospective teachers avoid the romantic notions of teaching? Do teacher preparation programs promote the romanticized notions of teaching? What are some ways that teacher preparation programs could show the reality of teaching?

2. Page 32: What was your gut reaction when you read about “school dependency”? What kind of a school did you attend? Would school dependency have been a negative factor for you?

3. Page 37: How do teachers avoid pushing their own agendas and biases in a classroom that incorporates sociopolitical issues into teaching?

4. What are your thoughts on a class like Social Contexts of Education being a requirement for only Donovan Program participants?


1. Page 6: Does society focus mainly on negatives such as the achievement gap? How do you think this affects students? How can the teacher affect this negative mentality?

2. What is more dangerous: the achievement gap or the mentality that it promotes? How do students overcome this mentality?

3. Page 20: How do teachers help prepare students for their encounters with the Mr. Ostrowskis and Mr. Bollens of the world?


1. Page 423: Many students are segregated from intimate contact with middle class White Americans. How do teachers help overcome the social constructs and institutionalized oppression that makes this separation possible? Is it a teacher’s place to try?

2. Page 430: Suarez-Orozco talks about the importance of social support networks. As communities shrink and people become more isolated, how can students find community support?

3. Page 431: Should teachers bring parents into the fold if culturally the parents feel they should stay at a distance? Are there ways to honor the wishes of the parents while still keeping them involved?

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